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Destination Business Program Receives International BREI Award

Destination Business Program Receives International BREI Award

Community Futures Mid-Sask: Proud Winners of the International BREI Award for their Destination Business Project

For Immediate Release – June 25, 2024 (Outlook, SK)

View the Award Acceptance Video

The Board of Directors of Community Futures Mid-Sask are thrilled to announce that Community Futures (CF) Mid-Sask was awarded the prestigious International Award for Outstanding State/Province Program at the 2024 Business Retention and Expansion International (BREI) annual conference in Hattiesburg, Mississippi on June 13th, 2024. CF Mid-Sask, a non-profit organization located in central Saskatchewan, is dedicated to fostering economic development and entrepreneurship in rural and remote communities. As one of 267 Community Futures offices across Canada, CF Mid-Sask leverages its community-driven model to address the unique challenges and opportunities of its rural region. 

Lilah McIvor, General Manager of CF Mid-Sask comments, “We’re so honored to receive this international award for our Destination Business Program! CF Mid-Sask strives to provide impactful business programming in our region. Our clients told us they wanted additional marketing training so they could expand their market base, pull more customers into their businesses and promote collaboratively with others in their local regions. We had delivered a program that focused on marketing and destination development already, and decided to expand the program, if we could. Through the generous support of the Rural Opportunity Fund, the Destination Business Program now delivers impactful business workshops and support across both Saskatchewan and Manitoba.”  

Key components of the Destination Business Program include the internationally developed Jon Schallert Destination Creation Course, connector workshops centered around small business owners’ needs, and individualized business coaching. 

The Destination Creation course offers in-depth training on marketing, profitability, leadership, and productivity, and emphasizes the identification of business uniqueness and the development of targeted marketing strategies to attract non-local customers. The Destination Business Program has notably improved the local business climate by increasing competitiveness, encouraging collaboration, building resilience, enhancing resource access, and driving economic growth. 

With a total of 873 participants trained and 100% of survey respondents recommending the Destination Creation course, the Destination Business Program has achieved substantial success. To date, the program has offered nine Destination Creation Courses and ten Connector Workshops covering diverse topics, conducted 15 one-on-one coaching sessions, and performed 18 follow-up surveys to monitor and adapt to participant training needs. 

Workshops are open for Fall registration on the Destination Business website:

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Community Futures (CF) has provided loans, advice and support to entrepreneurs in Canada for over 30 years. CF Mid-Sask’s innovative Destination Business Program provides entrepreneurs...
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